5 Simple Techniques For spiritual awakening

Do you often catch yourself talking yourself out of certain things that you actually would really love to do, but then you have thoughts coming up that I'm not good enough, I can do this, oh, it's going to be taken, it's going to take so much time, I don't really have time for this. And I mean, who am I to actually do this? If you've ever caught yourself talking yourself out of certain things, it's really not because you're not good enough or you don't have time for that.
It's really because you have limiting beliefs of your ability to actually do what you truly want. So it's your monkey mind is running the show, telling you that you can do that you're not good enough in all of those different things. And if you're at a point right now, you really want to stop your monkey mind from running the show. And you really want to step into your power and overcome those limiting beliefs that are actually holding you back, then this video is for you.
Because I want to share with you eight simple steps that you can start taking to overcome your limiting beliefs because it is within you to create the life, the abundance, the success, the freedom, whatever else that you want. But it often starts with overcoming those limiting beliefs that are telling you that no, you can't. No, it's not easy. No, it's going to be hard. And all of those different things. So if you want to learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs, then stay tuned.
Hello, beautiful soul, welcome back to another video. And if you're new to my channel, welcome, super excited that you are here. Now in case you don't know me, my name is Kay Sanders, Divine Messenger and Celestial Healer here to assist awakening souls on their spiritual awakening journey. So they can really awaken to their power within, step into their power and create a life of more success, abundance and freedom, all while living their life on purpose.
Now, if that is you, and if you're in your spiritual awakening journey you haven't done so already, I do want to invite you, please be sure to subscribe, and also hit that notification button. So you can get notified whenever I release new content.
So going back to what I was saying about, you really have it within you to do whatever it is that you want, you know, without holding back. But it's often those limiting beliefs that are really running the show and limiting beliefs, it's the purpose for that is really to keep you safe. That is your egos way of keeping you safe. It's plain and simple.
Because anything that you want to do is most likely outside of your comfort zone or otherwise, you would already have what you want. So just you having to step outside of your comfort zone is scary to the ego to the personality, because the personality wants everything to stay the way it is, even though you may not even experience the life that you want, even though maybe you are struggling.
But that's comfortable for the ego for the personality. Because it's what you know, you know how it is what you're experiencing right now. Anything outside of it, anything that is beyond what you're experiencing right now that is a stretch. That's a threat to your personality to your ego. So it's doing everything in its power to derail you. And that's what I'm talking about those limiting beliefs.
I can't do this; it's going to be hard. People are not going to like me; people may judge me. What if I fail? What if I succeed? All of those beliefs. Or maybe you need more certifications, you need to learn more, you're too young, you're too old, you're not capable, any of that.
If you have ever had an amazing idea that really felt good from the inside out that you really felt that that it warmed you from within. But then all of a sudden, you're like, Ah, maybe I'll do it later. I don't have time for this right now. And then you really ended up talking yourself out of it. That was your personality at full force, derailing you from actually doing what you felt called to do.
Because anytime you're getting an idea, and you feeling that warmth, within that that inner excitement and like it's bubbling like, yes, it's so exciting. That is your soul giving you a nudge. That's your soul telling you, this is the next thing to do. Even if you get goosebumps when you think about something, and you just feel so excited. That's your soul saying yes, that's it. And then you're trying to act on it.
And then all of a sudden, you have any thoughts coming up, that is your ego derail in you. And in this video, I want to share with you eight steps that you can start taking to really overcome your limiting beliefs. Now, of course, it's not going to be it's not always going to be easy, because once you have these beliefs, you've had these beliefs for a long time. And like I said, your ego Your personality is trying to keep you safe, right?
So it's going to fight you every step of the way. But with the steps I'm going to share with you it's going to make it easier for you to overcome that to overcome limiting beliefs, those self-sabotaging behaviors that you may or may not even are aware of because oftentimes stuff happens on autopilot that you may or not aware of until one day you're like Hey, I just had this idea what why did not ask But what happened here?
That is because it's your ego sneaky, but let's just talk about those eight steps so you can really start overcoming those. So you can really do the things that you actually would like to do, that your soul wants you to do. So the first step here is you want to uncover those beliefs, you want to uncover all of those limiting beliefs, from the fears, the doubts, the patterns, everything you want to uncover, whatever your beliefs are about. And you can do that with every area of your life. Or you can start with one because you see, the thing is, everything is interconnected.
So let's say you want to start with money, because that is the one area in your life where you have the biggest, biggest challenges, like making money for you is the hardest thing, you're always struggling for money. Now, that then also is connected to your health and well-being because what if you don't have money? You're absolutely stressed out, right? So if you focus on money, that's going to have a ripple effect. And also, let's say you have a business that all sudden is connected to that as well.
So even though I would suggest get clear on every area of your life, what are some beliefs? Like? Where do you feel somewhat of a disconnect? Where do you feel that you're holding yourself back where you would like to make some improvements? And then just for each area, you can ask what are my beliefs around this, or you like that, you can start with just one the one area that you really think that if you would make a change in this one area would really ripple out and affect every area of your life, because like I said, Money affects your health, your well-being your relationships, your, your, your business, if you have one, or even your career.
So you can choose money, or you can choose health, because that also has a ripple effect. If you're not healthy, well, then you don't want to work or you're not really motivated, your vibration is low. So whatever area that you think would give you the biggest return on your time investment base go, you actually make a change. And that would give you the biggest effect positive effect in your life. And then really get clear, like really dig deep. What do you believe about this area? So let's talk about money. For example, what are your beliefs around that?
Do you believe that making money is hard, that you can't make a lot of money doing something that you love, that maybe you know, it's not spiritual to make money, that rich people are evil, that money doesn't grow on trees, you have to work really hard to just barely get by, that maybe you are not good enough yet to charge more or to make more to get that race really get clear. Or maybe some of the beliefs that you didn't have about like actually having the money is well, then how I'm afraid of how my life is going to change.
What if I don't like how my life is going to change once I have money, because there are consequences there the good and the bad consequences of having what you want the good consequences, what you actually have what you want. But without you actually having it well, then there could also be consequences of what maybe you lose people, maybe people don't feel in alignment with you no more because all of a sudden, you are wealthy and you're successful, you're, you know, whatever, whatever it is that you want, or that you may not be able to handle it.
Now, another thing is what if you have a lot of money? What if people didn't just want to be with you because of your money, or they want to take advantage of that? Get clear on all of your beliefs, the beliefs that you have about that one area? If it's money or any other area, get clear? What are your beliefs? What are your fears? What are your doubts?
And then also, you can keep asking what else what else because you want to dig deep, you don't just want to go with whatever comes up, right? Right away. Because these are above the surface that's like what your ego allows you to uncover. But we want to get good deeper, because the true blocks that you're having limiting beliefs around money are the ones that level deeper and a level deeper.
So keep asking what else? What else? What other beliefs do I have? What else? What else? keep asking until you feel it. Okay? I think I've got a good number of beliefs right now. And here, I want to invite you don't judge yourself or don't be hard on yourself. Really be grateful that you are doing this work, because the more you uncover well, with awareness comes to power of choice.
Then the second step here is you want to uncover the root of those beliefs. Where did you pick them up? Where when do you remember did you first pick up this belief? Because whatever beliefs you have, well, you have learned them from somewhere, right? Whether it's you growing up, maybe your family, your parents always argued about money or you had bad experience about or maybe you had a wealthier growing up.
Maybe a family was wealthy, or upper class, but then you had some other negative experience around actually having money So go deeper and uncover what is the root cause of those beliefs? Where did you pick them up from? What caused you to feel this way about whatever area you're working on what caused you to think that way, and what caused you to believe the beliefs that you have, once you have that clarity off what beliefs you have and where they come from, then then the third piece is you want to clear the negative charge around those beliefs.
Because the thing is, it's not just one thing to just then say, well, I don't want to believe this anymore. And then start using positive affirmations. If you have not cleared the negative charge, because any of those beliefs that you have, they hold a negative charge to it. And if you don't clear the negative charge, and I'm about to share with you a very simple and easy process by powerful process that can help you clear the negative charge.
But you want to clear the negative charge, because let's say something happened to you, when you were a kid, when you were growing up, around, whatever, let's say around the area of money, where someone said something that really hurt you or you wanted something and you kept being told no, you're not. You didn't deserve that you were bad child, you don't deserve that. Well, you asked the little child what he didn't understand.
So you didn't believe what I'm not good enough. I don't deserve to have this, oh, I'm, I'm a bad person. So even our adult self, now you can make sense of it. It makes sense that why maybe your parents or whoever said whatever they said, but you asked a child self and the child stuff is still within you. Because you still have the memories, anything that you can remember from early on, or throughout your entire life up until now, that still holds somewhat of a negative punch to it. When you think about that it's like it still doesn't feel good. Even if it's just a tiny lingering feeling.
That is a negative charge. And if you don't remove that, it's going to keep showing up. It's keep showing up every time when you're trying to expand and stretch and go after what you want. It's like that knock on the door, like, Hey, I'm still here, you're I'm not going to let you move forward. So that's why it's important to clear the negative charge. And an easy and simple process that you can do. And of course, you can do whatever you feel called to do. If you are familiar with certain energy healing modalities go with that.
But if you if you're not, then there's some one very, very simple one that I start out with, which is called Ho’oponopono. Super simple. The way it works is it's basically a Hawaiian mantra to clear the negative charged negative energy around certain things. So what you do is you have your list of beliefs and where it's came from. And you can even write down you know, how you really feel about that.
And then what you do is you bring that up in your mind you focus on like you put your attention on, like, you're not actually going into the store, you're just putting your attention onto the story, that negative charged emotion, the belief what however, whatever is causing you to feel, and then you just repeat in your mind or out loud, this very simple mantra. It's, it goes like this. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you. And you just keep repeating it. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you.
Now what it does is it removes the negative charge from whatever that belief is. Now you can do that that can really be your mantra, you can keep repeating it throughout the day, you can do it for each of those negative beliefs that you have the limiting beliefs, until you feel that release. Now, this may be tiring because we're releasing negative energy here. But you can repeat that over and over again, whenever you're going about your day. And you're noticing that you're feeling blocked, you can use whole upon. But now for the purpose of overcoming your limiting beliefs.
Go through a list of your beliefs and use hope on a board to clear and if that doesn't work, execute, feel free to try something else. And if you would like my help to really help you clear out that's all that old stuff, the negative charge, look in the description below for the resource, but how does how to best work with me or how to get started working with me, I would love to support you. But you have got to clear that negative charge around those limiting beliefs so you can let them go because once you start clearing the negative charge, that then also shifts your timeline.
It then also it has been a ripple effect, which then really affects all areas of your life as well. But clearing out the negative charge. Step number three is very, very important. Then the fourth step is you want to allow yourself to see the message and the gift within whatever you experience whatever challenge you have, whatever beliefs you have, because there's a deeper meaning to it. And that's what if you're doing the clearing before you allow yourself to get the gift and a message that will actually open you up to actually seeing the gift and message because everything happens for a reason.
Everything that you've experienced in life, there was a reason for it, it happened to your highest and greatest good. And it holds a lesson a gift, a message. So when you allow yourself to tune in. So going back to let's say you're struggling financially, there's a reason behind it. Because maybe there's something that you are mental or maybe you're meant to learn on how to really trust that the universe has your back that you are deserving of having whatever it is that you want to surrender, and just trust that no matter what you are, an abundant being that money and abundance can flow to whatever it is.
But when you allow yourself to really see the gift, and oftentimes, it's like we are in resistance of actually having what we want. So when you allow yourself to see the gift and the message in it, that is a powerful transformational process, because that from there, you can then grow. From there, you can also then transform because awareness gives you the power of choice. When you become aware of the message, the lesson, the gift, well, you can do something about it.
If you don't have the awareness, well, you can do nothing about it right. And I just want to ask you if you've gotten some value out of this video already, and I hope you did. And if you liked it so far, do me a favor, hit the like button, I would greatly appreciate it. So going back to what I was saying. So the fourth step is really allowing yourself to see the gift and the message. Now the fifth step is you want to allow yourself to see the truth, and the higher truth.
So let's say one of the beliefs that you have is I'm not good enough. I can do this. Well, what's the truth here? Really, the truth is, you are good enough to at least get started. Well, of course you can get better as you go along. But you're definitely good enough to get started. And if you think like I can't do this, is this really true? Is it really true that you can do this? I'm pretty sure you can. You do not have absolute proof that your belief is of truth.
Let's say you're one of your beliefs is that making money is hard. Is this absolutely true? Or is it just your truth? Because if you're looking around, I mean, there's so many Self Made Millionaires. So the belief that making money is hard, is not off the collective truth, it has become your truth, because that's what you start believing. And that's what you start creating. Now, when you allow yourself to see the higher truth is, well, up until this point, it was hard for me to make money, but there's money and abundance, I can open myself up to making more money. I can allow in greater levels of abundance.
So by seeing the truth by actually uncovering that all of the a lot of the beliefs that you have, are most likely just lies. It's a belief that you made your truth, but they are not off the collective truth because there's an abundance of everything. So you are not limited. It's just you are just as limited as you believe yourself to be. So when you allow yourself to see the truth you that you know what I've believed, and I lie, I've believed in a limitation. It is not true, what the higher truth is what I can change my mindset to start allowing myself to allow in greater abundance to become more successful to do this. So by allowing yourself to see the higher truth that opens you up to a whole new level of possibilities. And then the sixth step here is you want to decide what do you want instead.
So we uncovered the limiting beliefs we uncovered where it came from, you did some clearing you allow yourself to see the gifts and the lesson and a message from it. You allowed yourself to see the truth and the higher truth while now what do you want instead, if you have been struggling up until this point, what the new thing that you may want to call for this what you want instead as well, I don't want to struggle, the more I want to walk but you don't want to ride on I don't want to struggle, you want to ride in something positive.
You want to be abundant. You want ease, you want flow, you want freedom. You want to feel inspired and motivated to do the things you want your business to grow. You want more info to make an impact in the world. You want to be easy and joyful. Whatever is that you want to get clear. What is it that you want instead, like I said earlier, awareness gives you the power of choice.
You now know what you don't want no more what's been holding you back, well choose the opposite. What do you want instead? So you can go through your list of beliefs and then rewrite them into the positive. I can't make money making money as hard making money as easy. I can't make all the money that I want. It's hard to find a loving partner. It's easy to find a loving partner. I can open myself up to meeting a loving partner whatever it is, rewrite your negative beliefs, the limiting beliefs into the positive and then write a new story.
So right now what he What I mean by that is, what you can do is you can do each area of your life. Or you can start with one just like with the belief. So let's say you want to focus on money, that is one area, you really want to make a change in, well write a positive story. So what you can do is you can imagine, you're three years from now you're, you're kind of jumping into the future. And you're three years from now in the future, and you're writing a letter to your current self, to your present self, and explaining all the amazing spirits that you've had, because your money story has changed.
So you can write down that you're traveling, that you have so much money in the bank, the bank, the money just came to you out of out of the blue, and it was so easy for you to attract money. If you start a business, that money just flows in through you doing your souls work. And it's just so amazing that you maybe bought a new home, you travel a lot, you're seeing exciting things, you're staying in luxury, luxury hotels, whatever it is, you paid off all your debt, and you have tons of money in savings, write a store, like write a letter from your future self, to your present self, but really step into the energy of your future self first, and then write this empowering story.
And then the seventh step here is you want to embody this new story daily, you want to embody those new beliefs daily, so you have your new affirmations, those the beliefs that you turn from negative into positive, you have this new story, the letter from your future self, right. So you want to feel it, you want to see it, you want to be it you really want to be in, it's when you're reading that news story daily, and I highly recommend read a daily, you are just embodying that, because you change your reality from the inside out.
So you just you just embodying that. So let's say even you want to start a business, for example, and you have been holding yourself back. While your new story could be that you started that business, your business is growing, you're making such a massive impact. Well, the way you overcome those beliefs, because you align yourself to that new version of you who already has that. Because from that place that you can then decide, okay, what's my future self actually have these beliefs that I have right now? Probably not right? But my future self actually feel this way? Look at things the same way as I do right now?
Well, probably not. So here also you have awareness, then you can course correct. So you become aware that, well, how I'm showing up right now, my beliefs right now are not in alignment with who I want to become that has what I want that person that is courageous, that is motivated, inspired, abundant, wealthy, successful, joyful, whatever is that you desire.
So then you can course correct on a daily basis, you have that, that roadmap, because when you get clear on what it is that you want, then every day you can then become aware, when is that monkey mind trying to derail you again? Say no, my future is of wouldn't do that. So why would I? My future self who has what I want, wouldn't believe this. So why would I that's how you overcome those limiting beliefs.
But also, don't forget this one important part, you got to clear to negative charge, you have got to clear the negative charge off whatever is holding you back. Because if you don't, if you just focus on the good and don't release the negative charge, it's just going to, it's lingering, it's going to stay with you. And it's going to keep showing up. You can do that.
I mean, it's just four little sentences. I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you. It's that simple. I like said, do whatever else you feel called to do. But if you can clear the negative charge, that is the best way for you to overcome those limiting beliefs. You want to clear out the negative charge in order to let go of the baggage because that's really what it is the negative charge around those limiting beliefs.
That's baggage that is going to stay with you until you let it go. So anything that will clear the negative charge is the best way for you to then let go of it. And you can listen to my light language activations I have on my channel; I also have a video I want to invite you to watch it's how to step into your power and go after what you truly want. The link is in description below. But just go through my channel and check out what I have there.
I have a lot of activations to help you clear and release whatever is holding you back. Or if you want to consider working with me. Look in the description below. There are many resources down there from online courses to healing sessions, Akashic Record readings, or just coaching with me to really have a coaching relationship. Whatever you feel called to do, will be just right. So listen to your inner guidance and act on that.
Ask them whatever guidance you're receiving, but they There you go you have the eight steps they're really not that hard if you think about it right? I think the only the hardest part is for you to uncover what are those beliefs and then really stepping into a new way of being by really choosing to align yourself to what you want instead. But overcoming your limiting beliefs don't have to be that hard. But I have a question for you. What is one limiting belief that you know that you have been stuck with that you finally want to let go off?
If you're courageous enough, do me a favor leave a comment below let me know what is one belief or maybe you have multiple Did you would like to share with me what are those beliefs that you are now ready to let go of sometimes just making that statement also allows you to feel that inner shift because you're making it public? Like okay, I'm done with this. I no longer want that.
So leave a comment below I would greatly appreciate so here you go. I hope you enjoyed this these eight steps and I hope you're going to give it a try to really help you overcome your limiting beliefs. But please be sure to subscribe hit the notification bell. Also be sure to check out this next video here. I think you're going to love it about how to really step into your power and go after what you truly want. So thanks so much for being here. I look forward to seeing your next video until then make it an amazingly abundant and successful day. Namaste

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